I am very happy (and nervouse) to invite you into my space! In this blog a will be documenting my journey through the execution of a 2 minute film opening from scratch. I will post the steps and missteps i will have hopefully all leading to a grandiose result.
I must admit I've never done this before. What i mean is, I've never documented my thought processes and shared them in such a public matter, but as they say (who's they?), "there's a first time for everything." So first, I am going to start by talking a little about myself. My full name is Ana Isabel, even though I don't really react to it, so for the majority of people I'm Ani. I'm 18 years old and originally from Caracas, Venezuela. I moved to Florida about 5 years ago, and my country and heritage are something that I hold very dearly. Two main things you should know about me. Number one, I am a curious person. I like to know how everything is done and the reason why and the motives that drove a certain conclusion. I yearn information when it's about a subject i am interested in. Number two, I am a person who enjoys the arts. I love poetry and the way it makes you feel identified. I love films and the way small and precise decisions are made in order to convey a feeling. I love music and the way the artist accentuates empathy towards his instrument to connect with his audience. The cultural fusion from these works of art between my native country and where I live now is what is going to drive my inspiration for this project.
I have struggled a lot about my idea for my opening. I've been kind of stuck. There are too may thoughts and propositions I've been entertaining, but nothing ends up being concrete. I got frustrated and wanted to drop the project. But I decided to take a breath and gather a little inspiration from my notebook were i write and annotate stuff and found the following:
This a famous quote from the great American writer, which I'm a fan of, Kurt Vonnegut. He was one of the first American authors that I was fond of since one of the first short stories i ever read when i moved here was written by him. It was called Harrison Bergeron. It is dystopian story dealing with the idea of individualism and distinct human qualities. And i never forgot it. I kept researching about him and wrote some stuff down a couple of years ago. Who would of thought it would help me today. I know that this is going to be a difficult process but nonetheless at the end i would have created something that represents me and what i want to transmit. Now i have to organize myself and figure out my story. I'm very much looking forward for what is next.
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